We collaborate with all types of community and faith-based organizations, businesses, and groups to fill our Hope Bags. The bags contain all of the essential personal care products needed when our women and girls are rescued from human trafficking and other forms of sexual and social autrocities.


Hope Bags are distributed to non-profit organizations, law enforcement and criminal justice agencies, and adult and juvenile diversionary programs. Our call to action is the initiation of short and long-term solutions to safe housing and criminal justice recovery for survivors of human trafficking and social sexual vulnerabilities in our communities. Each young woman or girl finds a lovely bag on her bed filled with personal care items, a book of inspiration and a handwritten note of encouragement from the woman (or man) who volunteered to fill her personal bag.


Hope Bags are distributed throughout the country where the need is greatest based on specific need criteria and guidelines.  Organizations and safe houses requesting bags must be registered and accredited as non-profit facilities that house and provide recovery and re-entry services for at least 12 months.  Girls Are Not For Sale (GEMS), A Home For Dawn, The Vast Organization, The Salvation Army, and The Well are a few of the organizations that we work closely with to provide assistance and support.